Personal finance education in U.S. schools has garnered increasing attention recently as policymakers, educators, and financial experts recognize its critical role in preparing students for financial independence. Despite the clear benefits, implementing personal
finance curricula remain inconsistent nationwide. While some states have made
significant strides by mandating personal finance courses as part of their high
school graduation requirements, others have yet to prioritize this essential
aspect of education.
In Puerto Rico, aside from minimal course sections through the History and Social Science departments, there are next to no structured personal finance courses provided to students. This opens the door to the opportunity provided to the low-income students who make up a significant portion of the student body and the need for economic development opportunities that focus on our youth.
Partnering with Meet your Finance, a group of young entrepreneurs from the public education system in Puerto Rico, Concéntrico is proud to support their efforts in providing accessible personal finance courses through in-person and virtual tools that will enable high school students to navigate the basics of responsible finance. Their approach is one we wholeheartedly believe in, as it also provides access and learning to students' families as well, ensuring the entire household benefits from their platform and tools. This family and community-based approach is at the core of any comprehensive economic development approach on the island.